ABOUT My personal professor

Rick McKeel
University Faculty
Business Consultant
"The average college student's lack of basic business vocabulary is troubling. It is evident in their papers, presentations, speeches, and conversations. It is painfully evident when you ask them questions for classroom discussion.
High school students who apply themselves to learning the language of business can easily compete against today's college graduates in interviews, work projects, etc.
If students want to get somewhere, it's time to learn the language of business. And the time to do that is now."
Let's help others understand that opportunity chases the prepared, and the unprepared spend their lives chasing low-paying jobs. At the same time we can help business people create strong loyalty and new business opportunities by getting them to introduce their communities to this program.

Business Intelligence
College graduates and those who never go are seriously behind on understanding the language of business, and every field has a direct tie to business. We help anyone interested in boosting their business savvy (and opportunities) with a process to build their business vocabulary. A solid foundation in business vocabulary is essential for all. As the old saying goes, the best way to stay a stranger in any land is to not know the language.
If you don't know the language of business, you will certainly miss great opportunities for personal and career growth.
And, if you introduce others to the process of mastering the language of business, you will create great loyalty and add tremendous value to the community where you live and work!