Invest in others before asking them to invest in you > A powerful way to build trust and business!
Here's how you help others master the language of business and build your business and reputation in the process. Watch the short clip below and download the documents that explain the "why" behind this valuable education program that you give at no cost to your clients, prospects, friends, etc.
Offer those you care about a FREE extended semester, business vocabulary building course developed by a veteran business communication professor. Offer a daily email with 5-8 categorized business terms to read, write, and recite.
People will appreciate the opportunity you provide them. Parents will not forget that it was you that invested in their kids and young adults. Program users will begin to build business knowledge quickly that will help them grow, become more curious and comfortable, and earn opportunities in the future.
The documents below will show you a clear, risk-free opportunity to position yourself as a valuable resource to others; and the loyalty created will benefit your relationships and business for years.
Click Here
The Case for Business Vocabulary and Intelligence (pdf)
The basis for opportunity chasing you rather than you having to chase jobs.
Click Here
Introduction to the Course / Rationale for Moving Forward (pdf)
The 6 reasons a course like this makes great sense. 30 situations that can make
or break a career without a command of business vocabulary.
Important Note:
We're partnering with selected education-minded business leaders who want to make a difference in their community and build their respective businesses -- who see a modest investment as minimal to connect their business to their customers' best interests.
For $95 a month, you can share access to this resource and give customers, prospects, and their families the opportunity to change their life for the better by mastering the language of business. You can share it with as many people as you like, and their information is private.
​We've made it turnkey and simple for you:
You know and meet people.
When appropriate, you offer them a link that directs them to the program.
They sign up with a name and email.
They receive the first lesson the same day and each day thereafter - FREE - because of you!.
They review the lessons at their leisure without any interference.
When they complete the course, they can download a Certificate of Completion.
They appreciate you for the opportunity and tell others what you've done for them.
If they don't want to continue with the program at any point, they quietly unsubscribe, and they have lost nothing; but they still appreciate that you invested in them. Either way, they know and respect the fact that you invested in them. Expect them to know people who need this and share their names with you.
That's how it works. You can share it with teachers, employers, and others you know who can share with others they know. You get the credit because it is your investment in your community. You will benefit from community outreach as an education and business advocate for $95 a month.
Think of it this way. A college class today with all expenses runs - at minimum $2500 (much more at elite universities). If you share this with 50 people per month, you are leveraging a $95 investment into $125,000 of valued and appreciated educational opportunity every 30 days. And we won't offer this to your competitors in your immediate marketplace so you are guaranteed value.
​We'll update routinely and give you the opportunity to share additional opportunities (at no extra cost) so your value to people continues to build. Hint: We have a project on Substance Abuse & Addiction in the works that will boost your value to students, young adults, families, youth-serving organizations and schools..
At any time, if you need to discontinue your partnership, all you do is cancel your subscription. No questions asked. Once cancelled, the subscription officially ends on the last day of the month paid for.
Try the service yourself now.
Click here to sign up for a multi-day sampler
(4 sample lessons) to see how it works.
Since everyone is a business person, the market for non-threatening, casual conversation with prospects and customers resulting in a offer to take a look at the course is huge. You will always have an angle that involves no risk, and the appearance of being a genuine helper and education advocate.
The Essence of the Opportunity:
1. We cannot think of a better way for people in relationship management/client acquisition and management to help people with the education of their kids, families, and others. Giving someone an easy-to-navigate business vocabulary builder course that is valued at well over $2,000 for free is a meaningful offer. Remember, it's 220+ day program.
2. We've done our best to think how this program doesn't pay for itself out of earned goodwill alone; or for a year with your first sale or set of referrals. We feel great that this is opportunity creates outstanding value for you.
3. You are not locked into a commitment, so you control when you are in and when you are out. We feel good about that because it's the way business works best. And we provide tools to help you reach your market.
We're ready to get started if you are!